Quo Vadis 4 Humanity

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The ultimate Crime against the Productive People's Money and its Impact!

So why do the parasitic Bankster Criminals hate Gold and Silver so much?

Clearly, Gold and Silver as Money can't be printed out of thin air and lent out at usurious rental as with Fiat!

Trillions of hard earned Wealth has been destroyed by the parasitic Bankster Criminals, money earned the honest, hard way, hour by hour of hard graft through Blood, Sweat and Tears!
Unlike the parasitic Bankster Criminalsm who rape and plunder the Productive People in yet another Raid on the CRIMEX and net Billions of Dollars into their filthy coffers, while destroying Billions more of Productive People's Wealth!

These super Criminals are NEVER held to account and will never have to pay Restitution for their heinous Crimes to their Victims; only Karma will see them pay for their Crimes against Humanity!

This is a real pity for Banksters as we help everyone equally, even reincarnated Banksters who are paying off their toxic Karmic Debt over billions of Lifetimes of Misery, Suffering and sheer Agony – and no one has more toxic Karma to repay to square their Karmic ledger than Banksters!
Read more here and here!

The Bankster Criminals delusionally believe, that since they're steps removed from all the Rape, Plunder, Terrorism, Wars, Death & Destruction, they are invisible to Righteousness and Truth, but Karma can't be deceived; the trail of Blood always leads to the Bankster Oligarchy all the way up to the very top - just follow the MONEY!

But rest assured; Karma never sleeps!

✘ The Satanic evil Force gripping the Planet!

♦ Dutch ex Bankster's confession:

Child-Sacrifices by the Oligarchy in Power - see 26:30 ”........ Child-Sacrifice; this isn't a fairytale, truth is that they have been doing this for thousands of years......the Israelites were practising this, the first ten tribes were banished to Babylonia for these practices. The Protocols of Zion, I recommend everyone read this incredibly boring document, it is like reading the Newspaper of daily life.

(Zionists) .... how from the position of ultimate power, and ultimate it has literally become........ but only because the people don't stand up for themselves..

(These Zionists) carry an intense Hatred and Anger, this is an all annihilating Force that hates our Guts, it hates Creation, it hates Life, and it will do anything to destroy us completely."

These sick and evil Satanist Child-Murder Rituals are mandatory to reach the top Echelons of the Zionist controlled world of finance and government in western countries, i.e. US, UK, France, Germany...., there is plenty of evidence and Whistleblowers to confirm this!

► The parasiticFCCR, underpinning all this debauchery, Crimes against Humanity and Satanism, is truly Evil, beyond any redemption or amelioration - only the complete destruction and evisceration of this unmitigated evil may finally bring peace, justice and equitability to our tortured planet in the grip of this EVIL FCCR!

♦ Most People, that's 99.999999999% of Humanity are too brainwashed to make the connection between the current parasitic ►Fiat Currency Crime Racket◄ (FCCR)  and all the horrific Exploitation, Misery, Suffering, Death & Destruction plaguing the Planet!

The only way to forge a better, more equitable and peaceful World is to completely eviscerated and destroy this utterly evil, parasitic and debauched
Fiat Currency Crime Racket for good and implement the tried and proven form of Money which endured for over 5,000 years.

► Gold & Silver are the Productive People's choice as a means of Transaction and as the only Store of Value for their hard earned Wealth!

► Gold & Silver stand for Peace, Prosperity, Equitability, Justice, Fairness, Sovereignty; everything the psychopathic Criminals behind the Fiat Currency Crime Racket are satanically destroying!

That's why these criminal Bankster Parasites wage a 24/7 criminal WAR against GOLD; destroying Trillions of Productive People's hard earned Wealth while raping & plundering Trillions more in their rigged Markets; the ENTIRE FCCR  is one gigantic Cesspool of Crimes against Productive Humanity by the criminal Bankster Parasites!

► Fiat is the parasitic Banksters' Tool for Debt Slavery, conjuring up Trillions of this Confetti Crap and buying-off ALL Politician Whores and most of the global Economy and waging WARS 4 PROFIT 24/7 against PRODUCTIVE HUMANITY off which they leech, rape and plunder by the Trillions while massacring them by the Billions in their Wars 4 Profit!

►Hang all the Banksters◄


For further information, or if you wish to help the countless Victims of Banksters' Wars, suffering horrendous Trauma and Injuries, contact us on:
