Quo Vadis 4 Humanity

♦ The inexorable workings of Karma!

As an illustration of how Karma works and how it sneaks up on Villains it's instructive to recount the following:

A very poor and unfortunate family came to our attention while our Charitable Trust to help the poor was conducting surveys.
This pitiable family is living in absolute misery and squalor; the father has lost both his legs to one of the hundreds of millions of bombs littering the landscape while tending his field, bombs dropped by the US of Atrocities in one of their satanical Wars for Profit. Two of the children suffer from horrific congenital Birth Defects, due to the Agent Orange poison the US of Terrorism sprayed onto the Forests and Fields, and one child is severely retarded, also due to the US of Atrocities' Crimes against Humanity, spraying Dioxin by the millions of tons! But what we'd like to convey to you is the fact that one child, a severely handicapped boy, at age three started to talk about his 'real family' and people he said lived in a village somewhere not far from his home. After endlessly persisting he would like to go to this village the family took him there and he immediately identified a whole group of people he had never seen before in his present life. It turned out that in his previous life he lived there and was a well to do money lender.

He was also a very much loathed and despised crook as he used his unscrupulous lending practices to rip off people and on the slightest hint of 'default', or anyone being late in paying interest he confiscated peoples' properties, lands, houses and fields which he always took as security. (Sounds familiar?)

Until one day an enraged Victim of his, only four years previously, stabbed him to death in a fit of rage and revenge. The whole village celebrated his departure as he was such a ruthless and much reviled moneylender. But what's also even more remarkable is hat the little boy has scars at the exact same locations where his previous incarnation was stabbed to death! This is quite a common occurrence and has been reported by many others investigating reincarnations. The salient lessons of this story must be abundantly clear;

► Karma is an undeniable fact & Banksters will suffer Hell for millions of Lifetimes to come!

The Banksters-WS-MIC Criminals' Wars 4 Profit create endless, unspeakable Suffering! ► Predatory Money Lending is an evil, vile and criminal activity and any person engaged in this vile pursuit will incur the most horrific, toxic Karma! (Let alone all the Crimes, Fraud, Market rigging, Deceptions and Theft the WS Banksters/Fed/BIS/CBs/IMF/WS Matrix of Crime perpetrates on an epic scale. The entire 'business model' of this matrix is based on Fraud, Crime and the destruction of the Productive People's Money; Gold and Silver!)

► The US of Atrocities, controlled by the WS/MIC Matrix of Evil spreads unimaginable Misery, Death, Destruction and Suffering and will incur, through Karma, the same Suffering it spreads with its Evil Deeds and Crimes against Humanity. (The present collapse of the Fiat Currency Crime Racket is a sign that the end is nigh and Karma is coming to the US of Atrocities)

► There is only one way to escape this horrific Karmic retribution! And that's to make amends, pay Reparations and recompense one's Victim to the full extent - and then some!

► Karma will ALWAYS have to be repaid - without fail!

►► There is no hiding behind glitzy corporate facades and behind gold plated marbled Board Room doors; Crimes are committed by Individuals and not Corporations. Karma will get you wherever you are!

There is no phantom Yahweh, God, Lucifer, or whatever deranged, satanical fantasy deity parasitic Banksters are propitiating who will save them!
Now this Money Lender was, by WS Bankster standards, just a small time crook, so imagine the horrific toxic Karma the parasitic WS Banksters have incurred; Tens of thousands of Lifetimes in utter Squalor, Agony and Misery, like this wretched poor little boy!

These heinous Criminals are NEVER held to account and will never have to pay Restitution to their Victims; only Karma will see them pay for their Crimes against Humanity!

This is a real pity for Banksters as we help everyone equally, even reincarnated Banksters who are paying off their toxic Karmic Debt over billions of Lifetimes of Misery, Suffering and sheer Agony - and no one has more toxic Karma to repay to square their Karmic ledger than Banksters!

The Bankster Criminals delusionally believe, that since they're steps removed from all the Rape, Plunder, Terrorism, Wars, Death & Destruction, they are invisible to Righteousness and Truth, but Karma can't be deceived; the trail of Blood always leads to the Bankster Oligarchy all the way up to the very top - just follow the MONEY!

But rest assured; Karma never sleeps!


♦ Most People, that's 99.999999999% of Humanity are too brainwashed to make the connection between the current parasitic ►Fiat Currency Crime Racket◄ (FCCR)  and all the horrific Exploitation, Misery, Suffering, Death & Destruction plaguing the Planet!

The only way to forge a better, more equitable and peaceful World is to completely eviscerated and destroy this utterly evil, parasitic and debauched
Fiat Currency Crime Racket for good and implement the tried and proven form of Money which endured for over 5,000 years.

► Gold & Silver are the Productive People's choice as a means of Transaction and as the only Store of Value for their hard earned Wealth which they trust!

► Gold & Silver stand for
Peace, Prosperity, Equitability, Justice, Fairness, Sovereignty; everything the psychopathic Criminals behind the Fiat Currency Crime Racket are satanically destroying!

That's why these criminal Bankster Parasites wage a 24/7 criminal WAR against GOLD; destroying Trillions of Productive People's hard earned Wealth while raping & plundering Trillions more in their rigged Markets; the ENTIRE FCCR  is one gigantic Cesspool of Crimes against Productive Humanity by the criminal Bankster Parasites!

► Fiat is the parasitic Banksters' Tool for Debt Slavery, conjuring up Trillions of this Confetti Crap and buying-off ALL Politician Whores and most of the global Economy and waging WARS 4 PROFIT 24/7 against PRODUCTIVE HUMANITY off which they leech, rape and plunder by the Trillions while massacring them by the Billions in their Wars 4 Profit!

►Hang all criminal Banksters◄