Attention: Agustin Carstens
Dear Sir
Re: Your comments regarding Crypto Currency!
We have to agree with you wholeheartedly; the creation of money out of
nothing is a parasitic, antisocial, perfidious, pursuit and must be
stopped at once!
If everyone were afforded this ability to conjure up 'currency' out of
thin air then no one would need to work and the entire social fabric would
collapse in a heap of sloth, scavenging, rape and plunder.
And the ones presently able to create 'wealth' out of thin air are lowlife
Parasites on the Productive People!
There is however one other such system which has taken the pursuit of
creating 'wealth' out of nothing to the ultimate extreme and has made the
sham of counterfeiting currency the standard norm; albeit for a very
select few who get obscenely wealthy and all-powerful through this venal,
parasitic scam!
This system has grown so overwhelmingly all-powerful and unassailable that
it now is immune to any criticism or prosecution for its infinite plethora
of wanton Crimes against Humanity of which there are countless.
This entire parasitic system is based on Fraud, Rape and Plunder of the
productive People.
But that's not enough, there is more; much more!
The Parasites owning and controlling this misanthropic, parasitic and
perfidious Crime Racket have built up an entire network of Organisations
and markets which are all and sundry rigged so these super-criminals can
rape and plunder productive People out of Trillions of Dollars while
destroying Trillions more in the process, and are doing wantonly and
menacingly so.
Syria didn't bow to the dictate of the Banksters & isn't a
vassal to the BIS-IMF-WS Criminals! But it gets worse, much
This system is defended with Wars, Death & Destruction on an
unimaginable scale; massacring tens, hundreds of millions in the pursuit
of keeping this vile Crime Racket going for the very select few Super
Parasites who benefit from it.
At the head of this toxic Hydra of Rape, Plunder, Death & Destruction
is an organisation called the BIS, whose sole purpose is to ensure that
this unspeakably Evil Crime Racket keeps going ad infinitum for the
parasitic, misanthropic, mass-murdering Psychopaths at the top.
The BIS has a long history of Crimes against Humanity, from conniving with
Hitler in the theft of Czechoslovakia's Gold to the facilitating of the
rape and exploitation of Nazi occupied countries to the BIS' Crimes
against productive Humanity today:
Today the criminal BIS is leading the charge in rigging the Gold & Silver markets with regular raids which nets this parasitic entity billions within minutes from productive People, while destroying Billions more of productive People's hard earned savings as an intended by-product!
Every Option Expiry these parasitic, cowardly Criminals are guaranteed
to smash Gold and Silver prices so they don't have to pay up, while
destroying Billions more of productive People's Wealth.
Entire lifetime Savings are deliberately raped, plundered and destroyed
by this Crime Syndicate, built upon the rape, plunder and tyrannizing of
productive Humanity:
The Banksters-WS-MIC Criminals' Wars 4 Profit create
endless, unspeakable Suffering!
All play their part in this gigantic Crime against productive Humanity; the financial 'Authorities' are simply there to protect the Crimes against Humanity perpetrated by the Banksters, BIS, IMF, ESF, CBs, CME, LBMA et al.
The Crimes perpetrated by this parasitic Crime Syndicate are now so in
your face and so obscenely blatant that a five year old can spot them; but
the financial Authorities are simply 'blind' and only there to protect the
parasitic Bankster Criminals - working against Productive Humanity which
pays them!
Of course the cowardly, criminal BIS has granted itself complete
immunity for its Crimes and believes that it is some kind of haven
above and beyond the mere Mortals; i.e. Productive Humanity which
they rape, plunder and destroy by the Trillions; all of the BIS' 'income'
is derived through criminal activity; YOUR Salary and Bonuses are
the Proceeds of Crimes.
The entire Fiat Currency Crime Racket (FCCR) is one gigantic
Crime against Humanity and is built upon the Corpses of Billions
of its massacred victims while the Parasites owning this Scourge on
Humanity rape Trillions from productive Humanity!
Gaddafi wanted a fair, equitable Currency; Gold backed, so
his Gold was stolen, he was massacred and Libya totally
The UN documented some 1.3 BILLION avoidable Deaths of Productive
Humanity since the 1950's alone! This is due to the Wars for Profit
fought for the parasitic Corporatocracy so the parasitic Banksters can
profiteer over the Corpses of hundreds of Millions since they own the
Military Industrial Complex (MIC) and Corporate America per se, and
everything else (all bought off with conjured up Fiat Currency out of
This is also due to the fact that the current FCCR is entirely parasitic
and is BIS, Fed, City of London and WS controlled, and all the
rigged Markets, means of Production, Distribution Channels,
Manufacturing and Retail Channels are all controlled by these same
Parasites and thus EXPLOIT poorer Nations; leaving them unable to
develop their nations, feed and educate their people, build Sanitation,
Infrastructure, Manufacturing and getting a fair price for their
commodities and products.
PARASITIC and EVIL System and needs to be excised and
banished from our Planet once and for all!
The parasitic, tyrannical 0.0000001% leeching off Productive People
while massacring them by the Billions! Think about it; the only
Mob on the planet which is allowed the privilege to rent out something at
usurious interest, something which doesn’t exist, they don’t own or have,
but simply create out of thin Air at the stroke of the key, and thus ENSLAVE
Productive Humanity in DEBT to themselves, are the parasitic
Bankster Criminals!
That’s the principle of Fractional Reserve Banking!
► So let’s create a better World without the Bankster Clique’s Rape,
Plunder, Death & Destruction on an unimaginable scale:
(Just what global Hero Gaddafi tried to do, so he was murdered for his
noble Endeavours!)
End the criminal Fractional Reserve Banking NOW!
End the Fiat Currency Crime Racket and make the Productive People’s Money the ONLY Currency on the Planet for Peace, Prosperity, Sovereignty and Liberty; i.e. Gold & Silver!
(There is no need to change anything; Productive People globally already use Gold & Silver as their trusted means of Transaction and as a Store of their hard earned Wealth!)
Saddam switched to the € for his Oil so he was hanged, Iraq poisoned
with DU & utterly and maliciously destroyed!
• Excise the entire, gigantic parasitic Layer of Rape, Plunder, Death & Destruction, Misery and Suffering wreaked upon Humanity on an unimaginable Scale by this Matrix of unspeakable EVIL:
BIS, Fed, WS, AIPAC, CFR, ESF, LBMA, CME-COMEX, City of London, Central Banksters, Chatham House, Trilateral Commission, etc etc etc and their puppet whores, the US, UK French, German etc Governments!
The only ones to be crying over the demise of this parasitic, venal system will be the psychopathic Parasites owning, controlling and profiteering from it now!
And its demise can’t come soon enough!
Nuremberg style Trials for these mega-Criminals and then the Noose: but this time hang the REAL, the guilty Criminals!
► Fiat is Exploitation, Parasitism, Slavery, Iniquity, Oppression, Tyranny, War, Death and Destruction! |
► GOLD & SILVER are Liberty, Equitability, Fairness, Justice, Independence, Prosperity, Sovereignty and Peace! |
In the final analysis anything is better than the present FCCR, even Crypto Currency - though we don't agree with the principle and there is only ONE real, honest, fair and equitable form of Money: GOLD & SILVER!
Yes, we agree, we can't continue with this satanically evil System which is built upon Child-Sacrifices, Rape, Plunder, Fraud, Forgery, Deceit, Wars, Exploitation, Death & Destruction and where none of the perpetrators of these heinous Crimes against Humanity are ever prosecuted because they OWN the ENTIRE System:
Governments, Judiciary, Media, Financial System, Economic System, rigged Markets, Mis-Education, EVERYTHING!
All bought with 'currency' conjured up out of thin Air: the biggest Crime against Humanity in human history!
♦ PS
Please take note, Agustin Carstens:
To illustrate how Karma deals with the unspeakable venality and criminality of the parasitic Bankster Matrix, just read here!
One might question at this point how many young, innocent little girls these Ghouls running the FCCR in the Fed, BIS, WS, IMF, CBs, and thousands more behind the scenes, have massacred in their deranged Child-Sacrifices, to get to the top of the parasitic Pyramid, which are all well known, but NEVER prosecuted since these Criminals are untouchable!
Thus since the biggest Criminals are protected by the entire System, Policing, Governments, Courts et al, concerned Lawyers set up the ITCCS, the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State to at least pro forma convict some of these high profile Villains of their heinous Crimes.
This involves Paedophilia, Bestiality and the heinous Child Sacrifices, rampant at the highest levels, from the Queen on down to Banksters, old-moneyed Bankster Clans, Politicians, Clergy et al.
Diana knew too much and thus was a liability to the Satanist Oligarchy!
(Was Princess Diana murdered because she knew too much and was about to spill the beans on these Satanic practices in the Palace and top Echelons of Finance, Government, Judiciary and Clergy et al?)
♦ The ITCCS thus prosecuted and convicted the most high profile villains;
• Elizabeth Windsor, aka the Queen of England
• Former Pope Joseph Ratzinger
• Canadian PM Stephen Harper
• Superior General of the Jesuit Order Adolfo Nicholas Pachon
• Former Pope Jorge Bergoglio
• Archbishop Justin Welby
• And many more
Eyewitness testimony about the Queen's and other high profile Villains are as follows:
♦ William Coombes delivered this signed and witnessed declaration
made on February 3, 2010:
“I am … 58 years old. I live in Vancouver, Canada.
“I am a survivor of the Kamloops and Mission Indian residential schools, both run by the Roman Catholic church.
“I suffered terrible tortures there at the hands especially of Brother Murphy, who killed at least two children.
“I witnessed him throw a child off a three story balcony to her death.
“He put me on a rack and broke some of my bones, in the Kamloop school basement, after I tried running away.
“I also saw him and another priest burying a child in the school orchard one night.
“In October, 1964 when I was 12 years old, I was an inmate at the Kamloops school and we were visited by the Queen of England and Prince Phillip…
“The day the Queen got to the school, I was part of a group of kids that went on a picnic with her and her husband and some of the priests, down to a meadow near Dead Man’s Creek.
“I remember it was weird because we all had to bend down and kiss her foot, a white laced boot.
“After awhile, I saw the Queen leave the picnic with ten children from the school, and those kids never returned.
“We never heard anything more about them and never met them again even when we were older. They were all from around there but they all vanished.
“The group that disappeared was seven boys and three girls, in age from six to fourteen years old…”
An eyewitness testifying at the ITCCS described the hunting and
killing of young boys abducted from borstals and orphanages:
“In some woods near Oudergem, Belgium, they hunted those naked
children through the forest and shot them down … then they cut off
the penises of the dead boys and held them up as trophies. I saw
Belgian soldiers patrolling the woods and protecting the men who did
the hunting, men like Prince Friso, King Albert of Belgium and
Mark Rutte, the Prime Minister. I recognized George Soros
in the hunting party too, you know, the billionaire. He is good
friends with Friso's wife, Mabel Wisse Smit.”
(Zionists) .... how from the position of ultimate power, and ultimate it has literally become........ but only because the people don't stand up for themselves.. |
These sick and evil Satanist Child-Murder Rituals are mandatory to reach the top Echelons of the Zionist controlled world of finance and government in western countries, i.e. US, UK, France, Germany...., there is plenty of evidence and Whistleblowers to confirm this!
► The FCCR, underpinning all this debauchery, Crimes against Humanity and Satanism, is truly Evil, beyond any redemption or amelioration - only the complete destruction and evisceration of this unmitigated evil may finally bring peace, justice and equitability to our tortured planet in the grip of this EVIL FCCR!