Quo Vadis 4 Humanity

♦ Open Letter from Humanity to our Dear Leaders

! Contributor: Urbane Wolf   

Go to Chapter:


Dear Leaders

The System of Control


Crimes against Humanity

What needs to be done


1,000s of Tons of Gold!

Global Hero Gaddafi's Litany of Sins!

A special Gift of Insights!

Re: The most important information you’ll ever read; please take heed for your own sake and that of all your loved ones!!!

You see, EVERYONE creates their own luck and what anyone is perpetrating now in this incarnation will be what THEY’LL endure in this or future incarnations – but on a scale commensurate with the Horrors inflicted upon others!!!
This is the intrinsic, inalienable Universal Law of Equilibrium or Law of Conservation, also commonly known as Karma, but has been expounded by studious Quantum Physicists today drawing parallels between objective and subjective Realities, and by Thinkers, Adepts, and enlightened Mystics for millennia!

✘ But what kind of World would YOU like to be reincarnated into?

One where YOU CAN enjoy Liberties, Equality, Sovereignty, universal Rights and the Freedom to pursue all your Dreams & Aspirations like everyone does?
But you see, presently the entire top-down imposed System is now 100% utterly and completely debauched, corrupt, criminal and demonstrably EVIL, as we will see!


They were all TOP-DOWN imposed by a certain ruling parasitic Cabal with the express purpose to rape, plunder and OPPRESS Productive Humanity!

♥ Don't shoot the Messenger; thank him, respect him, reward him; for you ought to be forever grateful for awakening you to the only salvation possible from eternal purgatory with this Message! So read on:

✘ The System: