Quo Vadis 4 Humanity

Contributor: Alexander Astner

Everything you need to know about the Financial System!

Go to Chapter:


The criminal exploits of the BIS

Crimes against Humanity

Child Sacrifice,  Satanism

The criminal exploits of the SNB

Mass-Murderers, Terrorists, Crimes vs Humanity

The dirty War vs Productive Humanity's Money

The Plot to eradicate Humanity & destroy Planet

Zürich Insurance!!!




► Crime 1: Crimes against Productive Humanity!

► Crime 2: Child Murder / Sacrifice and Satanism!

► Crime 3: The SNB and its machinations!

► The DUTY to stop the insane Plot to annihilate all of Humanity in a Nuclear Armageddon;

     planned, plotted and happening NOW!

► The most important Information you'll ever read; understanding how the 'System' REALLY works!

► Crime 4; the destruction of the global Economy

► Crime 5: the global MSM!

► Why this is hugely important to YOU, your Life, YOUR Kids, Family and Loved Ones!

"It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets."


The global judicial/policing organs, the entire system to safeguard and enforce Law and Order is corrupt to the Core; i.e. to the point of being integral to all the Crimes against Humanity itself.

♦ Crime 1

The Bank of International Settlements, BIS, is a well known criminal organization operating out of the crooked Tower of Basel under the protection of self-granted, complete impunity, being above the laws and any jurisdiction of the territory it operates out of, and made itself not beholden or answerable to anyone; neither any authority, oversight organ, the Productive People, or anyone else!

The crooked Tower of Basel

Thus it is a well known, blatant, conspicuous Cesspool of Crimes against Humanity!

The BIS connived with Hitler in the theft of the Czechoslovakian Gold and the laundering of stolen Gold and looted Funds from the occupied territories by the Nazis during WWII.

The BIS has been a cesspool of Crimes against Humanity from the outset and today is engaged in a whole range of Crimes, Fraud and Atrocities on a gigantic scale!

Let's start with the fact that the parasitic BIS is criminally and underhandedly rigging Financial Markets per se, and particularly to destroy the price of the Productive People's Money: GOLD & SILVER!

Yes, the parasitic BIS operates a Trading Floor to criminally rig financial Markets, especially the markets of Gold and Silver, the Productive People's Money!

The suppression-rigging-price-destruction is relentless, incessant, 24/7; imagine an entire Industry engaged in the relentless pursuit of destroying the ONLY REAL Money competing with their Confetti Crap conjured up out of thin Air; i.e. the Productive People's Money: GOLD!

What kind of Financial System needs to resort to underhandedly and criminally destroy the only kind of Store of Wealth, which never loses its purchasing power, the only honest Means of Transaction Productive People globally trust and have used for the last 5,000 years?

Obviously one which cogently has ZERO Legitimacy, no Utility, no Trust and no Benefit for Productive People and has destroyed 97% of Productive People's purchasing power in the last 100 years alone and is now rapidly on its way to its true intrinsic value: ZERO!!!!

The parasitic, tyrannical 0.0000001% leeching off Productive People while massacring them by the Billions!

In turn, by criminally doing so, the BIS, (along with its co-conspirators the mega Banksters, ESF, Fed, CBs et al) is raping & plundering the Productive People out of Trillions of hard earned Wealth, while at the same time destroying Trillions upon Trillions more of Productive People's Wealth, bankrupting an entire global Mining Industry and destroying Trillions of Productive People's hard earned Wealth, while depriving the few companies surviving out of legitimate income due to the multi-decade (Century) long, violent and criminal suppression of GOLD & SILVER; it is literally TRILLIONS upon TRILLIONS of raped, plundered and DESTROYED Productive People's Wealth by the parasitic criminal Banksters!

► The BIS's income is thus solely derived from Crime, rigging markets, and raping & plundering Productive People's hard earned Wealth while being engaged in the criminal leasing, i.e. hocking off, of the Productive People's GOLD to further suppress the price!

(The BIS pretends to be 'transparent' but in fact NEVER releases any information about its criminal activities of rigging Markets, dumping NAKED SHORTS by the THOUSANDS of TONNES of Paper GOLD on the Market!

(see below!), the underhanded leasing of Productive People's Gold etc!)

The parasitic criminal BIS and its co-conspirators must be held to account and forced to pay Reparations for their heinous Crimes against Productive Humanity and the theft and destruction of Trillions of their hard earned Wealth;  destroying Lives, Lifetime Savings, destroying Families and making Productive People destitute, penniless and unable to feed their Families!


Of course it is not for the 'greater good' as is always spuriously touted; it's for the exact Opposite!

It needs to be understood that the Fiat Currency Crime Racket, FCCR, is controlled by a very small parasitic mob of very sick people!

It is built upon, and was forced onto Productive Humanity for the sole purpose of transferring the Wealth produced by the hard working Productive People to the parasitic Bankster Clique!

The Banksters-WS-MIC Criminals' Wars 4 Profit create endless, unspeakable Suffering!

► It also is defended with every nefarious means and Crimes against Humanity; Wars, Death & Destruction, all just to perpetuate this Crime Racket ad infinitum!

The FCCR is controlled by a very few, very sick and evil individuals who implemented this step by step since the 1770s by the main protagonists behind it, first by smooching their way into Prince William of Hesse-Hanau's confidence and becoming their Banksters, getting fabulously rich, and richer, and richer and then in:

(Why do Politicians connive with the parasitic Banksters to borrow Currency from them, conjured up out of thin air and rented out at usurious interest to the Productive Taxpayers?

Obviously they are bought off puppet whores, in their pocket or plain gullible, dumb and/or stupid! There is no need for a state to borrow currency from parasitic Banksters, any project can be financed either privately or the capital accumulated and paid for in cash; oh what an old-fashioned, quaint and crazy idea!!!!!)

(Not, as is ostensibly purported to facilitate the iniquitous reparation payments, forced upon Germany by the Bankster Clique behind the machinations at the 'Paris Peace Conference' which concocted the inane Versailles Treaty! Woodrow Wilson was a meek puppet under their total control and his 14 Point Peace Plan was a sham from the outset!)

► See John Perkins' 'Confessions of an Economic Hitman':



(Unilateral reneging on their obligations: but then has the US ever honored any agreement they signed?

See the Statute of Rome and the ICC where the Bankster controlled US has implemented countless 'Bilateral Immunity Agreements' with signatory countries to the SoR to prevent them being held to account for any of their infinite catalogue of Crimes against Humanity)

At the same time the US conspired with the Saudis (and the illegal Squatter Colony on Palestinian Land under the cover of the Yom Kippur war) to quadruple, yes fourfold - from $3 to $12 and confirmed by Sheik Yamani, the Oil price so as to force everyone to hold even more US$ so the US could print infinite amounts of their Fiat Currency and fund their criminal Wars of aggression; in Vietnam at the time, then in Afghanistan, Central America, Africa, Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc, etc, etc and all over the planet!

Cable revealing the real intent of Futures; suppression of Gold!

(Leaked documents reveal that it was the criminal Banksters' plot from the outset to destroy the Gold price and to dissuade Productive People from using their 5,000 year old Money for the purpose of storing and safeguarding their hard earned Wealth away from the Banksters' deliberate, criminal destruction through inflation!)

Schweiz, die grössten Idioten
Who are the biggest Fools (Criminals) on the Planet'

In 1999 LTCM was facing bankruptcy and GS, Goldman Sachs, was at 100:1 Naked Short in Gold, as is the entire market now, in fact it is as high as 500:1 Naked Short.

(Does anyone still think we have anything resembling 'honest' Markets anywhere globally?)

So the BoE stepped in to bail out the criminal Banksters Goldman Sachs, LTCM and the entire WS-City-Frankfurt-Zurich cabal by selling the Productive People's 400 Tonnes of Gold in ’safe’ custody with the BoE!

This is referred to as Brown’s Bottom, but of course Brown was merely a puppet whore to the Banksters running the globe!  It could also be referred to as Switzerland’s Bottom!

(One notable Italian Minister of Finance at the time illegally "leased" Gold to LTCM and the ENTIRE system was close to collapse! But this crime of course qualified him for much higher Office; guess who!)

► Eddie George of the BoE admitted this as follows:

"We looked into the abyss if the gold price rose further. A further rise would have taken down one or several trading houses, which might have taken down all the rest in their wake. Therefore, at any price, at any cost, the central banks had to quell the gold price, manage it. It was very difficult to get the gold price under control but we have now succeeded. The US Fed was very active in getting the gold price down. So was the U.K."

Part of this Crime against the Productive People was forcing Switzerland into selling its Gold into the market at rock bottom prices!!!!
The EXACT same situation is facing the entire criminal Bankster Cabal now and that's why these venal Parasites never allow Gold to trade freely and allow the Productive People and global Precious Metals Industry earn an income due to the criminally suppressed prices! It is all based on Greed, Criminality and Venality!


♦ 2014 "Die Schweizer Gold Initiative"; the entire Establishment (including the Government) was lobbying on behalf of the criminal, parasitic Banksters against the only sane and smart course of action for the SNB to take, and that's buying the ONLY Real Asset which would have restored the Swiss Franc to its former glory, before the insane, incompetent and patently criminal SNB destroyed it with their criminal policies of printing unlimited currency to buy worthless internet stocks and even more worthless Fiat Euros!!!!

(The fact that the entire Bundesrat and 'Establishment' was against this noble, sane Initiative, which was trying to save Switzerland from certain ruin by the criminal machinations of the parasitic Banksters and the criminal SNB is proof that they are in the pocket and working for the same venal Cabal which is engaged in a perpetual War against Productive Humanity!)

► So why does the Clique behind the FCCR hate GOLD so much?

For one with Gold as Money they can't print unlimited Confetti Currency and fund their gigantic Military and wage War against Humanity, buy up every puppet Politician and every Company and Asset and control EVERYTHING on the planet as they do now!

This parasitic Clique of Terrorists also can't rape and plunder Productive Humanity by the TRILLIONS in rigged Markets and through every Fraud, Deception, Cheat and Crime possible!

► Fiat is Exploitation, Parasitism, Slavery, Iniquity, Oppression, Tyranny, War, Death and Destruction!

► GOLD & SILVER are Liberty, Equitability, Fairness, Justice, Independence, Prosperity, Sovereignty and Peace!


That's not the 'Run of Mill Cost' as many mining companies are desperately forced to account for, but the 'Life of Mine Cost', which includes the many years, 10 to 20, of licensing, prospecting, drilling, capital expenditure of building the mill, (millions to billions) and the restoration of territory costs, and every fee, royalty and other cost!

So the criminal suppression to $1,200 and $14 by the parasitic Bankster Terrorists has bankrupted thousands of legitimate Mining Companies and destroyed Trillions of hard working, Productive People’s Wealth, and deprived Mining Companies of legitimate income from their product in the Trillions!

► It also needs to be understood that the parasitic and totally unnecessary FCCR siphons off some 30 to 40% of all the Wealth created by the Productive People - that's YOUR hard earned Wealth!

John Perkins: Confessions of an Economic Hitman for the criminal WS Banksters, the WB and criminal the IMF:


The total control over the global FCCR gives this criminal Clique behind the FCCR the power to create Currency out of thin air and fund their gigantic US Military and wage War against the entire Planet:

Every War is a Banksters' War where only these Ghouls of Rape, Plunder, Death & Destruction profit, while they instigate these Wars and lie the public into these Wars through their total control of the Global Mainstream Media, MSM which they own and use to disseminate Lies; it's 24/7 100% Lies to the dumbed-down population.


Of course the entire Banking system is criminal to the core and exists solely on the proceeds of Crime, Fraud, Rape and Plunder of Productive People (see below!); the Banksters have literally stolen Tens of Thousands of Tons of People’s Gold and sold it to gamble with the proceeds.

That’s why these already bankrupt parasitic Terrorists are desperately trying to prevent the Productive People's Money, Gold and Silver from rising to their true level of market equilibrium and give the Productive People and Mining Companies finally a return on their hard work and hard earned investments.

But the criminal Banksters globally (JPM, UBS, CS, DB, GS, MS etc, etc, etc) the BIS, IMF, Fed, BoE, SNB, LBMA, CME/Comex, are all implicated in this gigantic Crime against the Productive People; all the many tens of thousands of tons of stolen Gold has been sold, re-refined and cast into 1kg bars and sold to China, Russia and other smart and astute countries who know that ONLY Gold is a REAL ASSET, and not infinitely printable Fiat Currency!

This Gold is NEVER coming back and will afford all the power to these countries while the western criminal Bankster controlled countries will be their coolies!

(The same power the US had in 1944 with 22,000 tons of Gold dictating the terms of the Bretton Woods Agreement making the US$ the world reserve currency and all its iniquitous advantages, privileges and power!)

(See re the SNB below!)

Will Switzerland be amongst the bankrupt vassals (US, UK, EU, et al) to China and Russia or stand on top of 20,000 Tonnes of Gold to back its Currency as the NEW World Order dictated by the Chinese and Russians will demand?

Instead of buying 800 Billion of worthless Currency and Internet Stocks the SNB could have bought 20,000 Tons of tangible, REAL MONEY: GOLD!!!!

That’s the enormity of their Crime against the Productive People of Switzerland!

But the criminal Bankster Clique owning the MSM globally has brainwashed People into believing that their Confetti Crap conjured up out of thin air, and printable by the Trillions at the stroke of a key, is actually Money, while decrying REAL Money, tried and proven for 5,000 years, as a ’barbaric relic’: insanely absurd!

► To the CFTC, CFR, FCA, BAFIN, FINMA, et al; People like Andrew Maguire of London, Harvey Organ of Canada, or Egon von Greyerz of Zurich will happily aid you in your Investigations and Prosecution of these Criminals!

But there are many more Eyewitnesses and Whistleblowers to these heinous crimes, so start digging!


♦ Crime 2

The entire Financial AND Political System is riddled with Satanism, Pedophilia and Child Sacrifices, i.e. Child Murder and Cannibalism!

This Fact has been a well known fact for a very long time, but it is pleasing that recently an Ex Bankster has come out and confessed to the fact that the ENTIRE FINANCIAL SYSTEM is one GIANT CESSPOOL OF CRIMES against HUMANITY and is built on the said SATANISM and CHILD SACRIFICES i.e Child Murder!

Bankster Oligarchy tools like FB, Twitter and Google et al constantly remove content they don't want you to see, so many links here might no longer work, but look for Roland Bernard, Dutch Bankster Whistleblower!




Anyone wanting to reach the Top of this criminal FCCR is party to these heinous, abhorrent CRIMES against HUMANITY, just as the Dutch ex Bankster confesses!

MUST WATCH: www.youtube.com/

In January 2016 Europol announces that 10,000 Refugee Children are missing:


5 Rabbis arrested for Organ Trafficking:


Israel, the Organ Harvesting Capital of the Planet:




The BIS is at the TOP of the Fiat Currency Crime Racket, FCCR!

After all they are cogently engaged in a whole swathe of Crimes against Productive Humanity since the day of their inception under the cover of Self-granted impunity!!!!

See confession of a Bankster below:

Ex Bankster confesses to the Who, How and Why of Financial Crimes and its global underpinning of Child Sacrifice i.e. Child Murder perpetrated by the Bankster Elite in Power:

► youtube.com/


(Google is constantly disabling, slowing down, harassing these videos exposing them; Google, FB, Twitter et al are all part of the Bankster Oligarchy's Matrix of control, lies and suppression.)


There are countless witnesses and whistleblowers to such heinous Crimes against Humanity, and people like the Dutch ex Bankster will be just too glad to help you out with your INVESTIGATIONS and PROSECUTIONS of these abhorrent Crimes!

The ENTIRE western 'Elite' in power is implicated from that ghastly Ghoul QE, the Vatican, Politicians, Financiers on down; the Podesta emails reveal that the likes of Podesta, Bill and Hillary et al are not just interested in Pizza but far more sinister activities, and the BBC - Westminster scandals go much deeper than just Paedophilia and illegitimate sex with minors!

(the same criminals now working hard to make Paedophilia 'normal, acceptable' and legal; that's how sick society has become under the rule of the Bankster Clique)

♦ Crimes against Humanity

It needs to be understood that the FCCR is defended with Death, Destruction, Wars, Genocide, Country Destruction and the most enormous Crimes against Humanity:

Iraq was destroyed, Saddam Hussein was murdered and 4.5 million Iraqis have been massacred because Saddam had switched out of the Petro-Dollar and started selling Iraqi Oil for Euros!

In November 2000 Saddam changed from Satan's currency, the US$, to Devil's currency, the Euro for Iraqi oil, all with the approval of the UN under the Oil for Food programme.

But that was his undoing and the criminal cabal couldn't let the Petro-Dollar be threatened in any way whatsoever, not even by one country alone!

The puerile WMD ruse to justify war against Iraq was never credible in any way whatsoever!

Libya was destroyed, global Hero Gaddafi was brutally murdered and half a million Libyans were massacred by the biggest Terrorist Org on the planet, NATO, because Gaddafi proposed a Gold backed pan-African Dinar which would have rivalled the FCCR currencies of the US$, Euro, Pound and Yen and would have levelled the playing field and ended the wholesale Rape, Plunder and Oppression of the African Continent and the Arab states of Libya, Egypt, Syria and Iraq etc.

Libya's Gold of 144 tons was instantly stolen and sold and $44 billion of Assets in US Banks was also stolen by the US Criminals; both would have formed the backbone to Gaddafi's proposed fair and equitable pan-African Gold Backed Dinar Currency; the Criminals made sure that this could never come about and threaten their parasitic, criminal and infinitely Evil FCCR based on Satan's Currency; the US$.

Sarkozy exclaimed that this proposal was 'a threat to the global financial system'; what he didn't say is that it threatened the criminal, parasitic and exploitative nature of the City-WS-Fed-BIS-IMF-WB controlled FCCR and the Franco CFA where France still rapes billions from its former African Colonies!

(A new Central Bank as member of the BIS was created even before global Hero Gaddafi was massacred and the NATO created, funded, armed and controlled terrorists took power in destroyed Libya; yes that’s how desperate the Bankster Criminals wanted Libya under their control for Exploitation!)

Deranged, Satanist, Mass-Murderess and Child-Sacrificer Hillary cackled: 'We came, we saw, he died'!

Her leaked emails reveal that the destruction of Syria is all about the illegal Squatter Colony on Palestinian Land and their insane venal Plot of 'Greater Israhell' from the 'Brook of the Nile to the Euphrates’!

Syria is being destroyed because the greatest, most adored, loved and respected President on the Planet (besides equally maligned and vilified Putin) opted for the Iranian Islamic Friendship Gas Pipeline instead of the one from Qatar which is controlled and operated by the French Company Total!

(In an exchange during the 14 July 2008 celebrations CIA/Banksters puppet stooge Sarkozy demanded that President Bashar al-Assad of Syria accept the Total Pipeline through his country on an 70/30 sharing arrangement and President Assad said that it’s no longer the 1950s and that Syria is no longer a French Colony and had already opted for the Iranian proposal, whereas Mass-Murdering Sarkozy thumped the table and exclaimed that 'If it is like that then we will burn Syria to the Ground'; and Sarkozy kept his promise and that's exactly what he did, just like he did to Libya with the aid of the US-UK-NATO axis of infinite EVIL!

And because that country is not part of the criminal BIS system and beholden to the criminal parasitic IMF and WB and is in the way of the Squatter Colony on Palestinian Land to create their Greater Israhell from the ’Brook of the Nile to the Euphrates', as they like to claim their phantom Yahweh promised them; does it get any more criminal and insane than this!!!!!

Roland Dumas exposes the criminal plot to destroy Syria long before the staged 'protests' in 2011 and the shipment of their CIA/Mossad assets, the now called ISIS brigades: created, paid, armed, trained, commandeered by the US, Israel, UK, France, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, and NATO: the REAL Terrorists:



✘See Dumas in Footnotes

Dumas also confirms that this is done, as always, at the command of the illegal Squatter Colony on Palestinian Land:

(Former French Diplomat, Daniel Bernard in 2001:

"All the current troubles in the world are because of that shitty little country Israel.

Why should the world be in danger of World War III because of those people!")

But the insanity of trying to start a nuclear war to cover their crimes and prevent the collapse of the FCCR is relentlessly pursued by the insane Clique and their puppet politician whores!






Dumas also confirms in his book "Coups et blessures - 50 ans de secrets partagés avec François Mitterrand":

"The Israelis do as they please in France, and manipulate the French intelligence services (DST) as they see fit"

Which translated means they are in control of ALL the western Intelligence Services and behind all the 'Terrorist Attacks' plaguing Europe and the US! (See Operation Gladio below!)

John Kerry also confirmed that the plot to destroy Syria has been made by the western powers; i.e. the UK, US, France with the aid of Saudi Arabia, Israel etc:


✘ See Footnotes for a transcript of the revelations below!)

Now the French are at it again; the story about 'Slavery' in Libya is a concocted story by the DGSE as a pretext for another invasion/boots on the ground in Libya to prevent that country, destroyed by Sarkozy and his buddies from the US-UK-NATO Axis of Evil from achieving some measure of Sovereignty again and forming an independent government not a Vassal to, and controlled by, the Axis of infinite Evil; and the global Presstitute Whores from the MSM are going along with these inane, puerile Lies as per usual with ZERO investigation: Vilification, Lies & Slander is their daily bread & butter served up by their paymasters the Bankster/ Axis of Evil!

► Then there is global Hero Putin and Russia which pushes back against the criminal Axis of infinite Evil; City of London - Wall Street - Tel Aviv - DC - London - Paris - Berlin, which is behind all the heinous Crimes against Humanity listed above!

► Then this axis of Evil is in process of undermining, subverting, destroying every nation on the planet not under their complete control and vassalage:

Venezuela, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Argentina, Brazil, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Russia, China, Libya, Syria, Novorossiya and countless more: EVERY Country on the planet is a target, including Switzerland!

The Swiss Banks (criminal to the core in their own right) have been blackmailed by the US and forced to cooperate in the wholesale theft of tens of thousand of tons of GOLD from Swiss Vaults of Customers' Gold under the threat of losing their banking licence in the US: (with the connivance of the SNB and the Swiss Government?)


♦ Crime 3

Of course the Swiss Banks, UBS, CS et al, are a criminal danger to Switzerland in that they are leveraged with Trillions of insane, puerile gambling Derivatives; guaranteeing that Switzerland will be totally BANKRUPT when the collapse comes, and come it will soon!!!


The SNB is deeply involved in these crimes and cover-up!

The SNB also is now the most leveraged Reserve Bank on the Planet and has a Balance Sheet standing at well over CHF 800 Billion; i.e. 122% of Swiss GDP!!

But the makeup of their ’Assets’ is what is truly criminal to the extreme, instead of buying GOLD, the ONLY REAL Asset, as the smart Chinese and Russians are doing, the criminal SNB now holds:

► CHF 783 Billion in other Foreign Fiat Currency Confetti Crap, particularly sick and soon worthless Euros!

► Many CHF Billion is, or was, held in insanely overvalued US Internet Stocks like Facebook, Amazon and Google; yikes, remember the 'dot com' bubble bursting?

So this ensures that when the INEVITABLE CRASH comes, and it will come sooner rather than later, Switzerland will be certainly BANKRUPT - TOTALLY BANKRUPT!

(There goes YOUR Pension, YOUR Savings, YOUR ability to make a living and buy Food to feed YOURSELF, YOUR Kids, YOUR Family and you can thank the Criminals at the SNB, the Banksters, Government, Press and Regulator Whores which all connivingly let it happen!)


(On another note, Zurich Insurance Group is equally a danger to Switzerland as are the big Banks, mainly thanks to one Josef Ackermann!

After Ackermann was finished destroying DB with over 72 TRILLIONS of gross notional Derivative bets, and that’s all they are: puerile, infantile gambling bets, he turned his ’skills’  in destroying companies to Zurich Insurance.

Under his command, and seemingly against the better judgement of one Mr. Pierre Wauthier, Zurich started to offer 'Regulatory Capital Trade' insurance for these inane Gambling Instruments, i.e Derivative bets, and Banks’ most risky Loans and exposures; does that sound like smart business practice, Wauthier obviously didn't think so!!!!!

But Acky knew exactly what he was doing, as thanks to his 'skills' DB was, and is BANKRUPT to the core, except for the lying about it, the NEGATIVE Equity is in the hundreds of billions.

BTW, have you ever heard of a typed suicide note; they're invariably hand written to assure the bereaved family that it is their own words.

Suicide? Maybe, but knowing how ruthless, depraved and criminal the Psychopaths working in the FCCR all are it is not beyond the realm of the possible that this was not a suicide, given all the circumstances!

Rich, successful people don't kill themselves just because the company they work for might go bankrupt under their watch?..)

► Such Insanity can not be put down to recklessness and stupidity alone; this is by criminal design; the destruction of Switzerland and western civilisation per se is part of the plot by the Clique behind the FCCR to take total control over the planet!

If you think this is conspiracy nuts, then this proves that their brainwashing has worked and the sheeples now admire and defend their very own executioners - truly grotesque!

See what Dr. Paul Craig Roberts has to say about the state of affairs of the Planet, and he should know having been in insider at the highest level in DC:

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts; Washington is Leading the U.S. and its Vassal States to Total Destruction:


Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The Neo-Cons & Israel Trolls leading Humanity to total destruction!



♦ Crime 4

The total insanity and criminality of the Financial System has now reached such levels of ABSURDITY and PERVERSION that even mainstream commentators start to wonder where they will go next in their desperate attempt to save their criminal, iniquitous and totally parasitic FCCR:

These are all globally traded markets affecting every Producer, Saver, Borrower, i.e. all the Productive People globally at the expense of the parasitic Bankster Criminals!

(See John Perkins, confessions of an Economic Hitman!)

(The puerile SDR Confetti Crap was specifically created to destroy GOLD and excise it from the Financial System for good, (the only real asset). That’s how insidious, puerile, perverted and desperate the Bankster Criminals behind the FCCR are to banish the Productive People’s Money so they can rule the planet and Rape and Plunder with complete impunity!

However they didn’t count on the Productive People NEVER giving up on their only Money they use and trust, and China and Russia implementing a fairer, more equitable world one based on a fair and equitable Financial System: GOLD!)

Yet there is Zero Prosecution for any of the guilty Criminals from the Matrix ever: Fed, WS, BIS, IMF, ESF, CBs, et al!

Not by the SEC, CFTC, FCA, FINMA, BaFin, et al - the Productive People have nowhere to turn to; EVERYTHING is rigged and criminal; these so called 'Regulators' are just paid off Whores and a Crime Protection Front for the Bankster Criminals!

But if one takes the gross nominal value of their puerile, insane gambling Derivatives in the Quadrillions into account then their leverage is even more geared up, by factors of many multiples more: totally insane!

►The ENTIRE Financial, and its Political Puppet Whore System, is BANKRUPT:

Financially, Morally, Intellectually, Legally, Ethically!

Clearly the current FCCR has no legitimacy, works ONLY for the few 0.000000000001%, is parasitic, iniquitous, criminal and pure EVIL in that it is the underlying Power behind all the Rape, Plunder, Wars, Death & Destruction wreaked upon Humanity!

► The UN documented some 1.3 BILLION avoidable Deaths of Productive Humanity since 1950 alone!

This is due to the Wars for Profit fought for the parasitic Clique so the Banksters can profiteer over the Corpses of hundreds of Millions since they own the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) and Corporate America per se and everything else!

This is also due to the fact that the current FCCR is entirely parasitic and is BIS, Fed, City of London and WS controlled and all the rigged Markets, means of Production, Distribution Channels, Manufacturing and Retail Channels are all controlled by these same Parasites and thus EXPLOIT poorer Nations; leaving them unable to develop their nations, feed and educate their people, build Sanitation, Infrastructure, Manufacturing and getting a fair price for their commodities and products.

► The FCCR is a MASS-MURDERING, EXPLOITATIVE and thoroughly PARASITIC and EVIL System and needs to be excised and banished from our Planet once and for good!

Think about it; the only Mob on the planet which is allowed the privilege to rent out something at usurious interest, something which doesn't exist, they don't own or have, but simply create out of thin Air at the stroke of the key, and thus ENSLAVE Productive Humanity in DEBT to themselves, are the parasitic Bankster Criminals!

That's the principle of Fractional Reserve Banking!

► So let's create a better World without the Bankster Clique's Rape, Plunder, Death & Destruction on an unimaginable scale:

(Just what global Hero Gaddafi tried to do, so he was murdered for his noble Endeavours!)

(There is no need to change anything; Productive People globally already use Gold & Silver as their trusted means of Transaction and as a Store of their hard earned Wealth!)

BIS, Fed, WS, AIPAC, CFR, ESF, LBMA, CME-COMEX, City of London, Central Banksters, Chatham House, Trilateral Commission, etc etc etc and their puppet whores, the US, UK French, German etc Governments!

The only ones to be crying over the demise of this parasitic, venal system will be the Parasites owning, controlling and profiteering from it now! And its demise can't come soon enough!

There are many more aspects to these Crimes against Humanity by these Criminals:

► If you're familiar with Operation Gladio, (P26, Herbert Alboth, Aldo Moro, Adnan Menders, Bologna, etc, etc, etc) discussed in the Swiss Parliament, you will realize that ALL the so called ’Terrorist Attacks’ globally are in fact perpetrated by the Secret Services: Mossad, CIA, MI6, BND, DGSE, et al.

(See more information below)


How the World really works:


Myron C Fagan: the Fiat Currency Crime Racket, Weishaupt, The Illuminati, CFR, Rothschild, 1st May 1776, Masonic Lodges!


This includes the big and the 'small' ones:

► 9/11; Mossad, CIA, PNAC, Bush/Cheney!.

► Oklahoma: an Official Report proves that the Murrah Building was blown up from inside, where Fannie Mae operated and kept its records, and where the Bush/Clinton Crime Syndicate had stolen hundreds of billions from, that’s why they blew it up and killed hundreds to erase the records of their Crime; Papa Bush and Bill Clinton!!!!

► Charley Hebdo

► Niece Truck

► Berlin Truck

► London 7/7 Underground bombing

► Bali bombing

► Madrid bombing

► Las Vegas shooting just recently

► Boston Marathon

► Etc etc etc



The Evil, Crimes against Humanity and Insanities are endless by this demonic Matrix controlling the US, UK, Germany, NATO et al:

In Syria, Yemen, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Palestine, Libya, Iraq, Novorossiya, Afghanistan, Russia, etc etc!

They're trying to start a (Nuclear) War to divert and prevent the total collapse of their FCCR CRIME RACKET, the Petro-Dollar and the loss of all the countries which have finally woken up and grown a spine to tell the US of Atrocities to take a hike: Philippines, Malaysia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Thailand, even some EU countries starting to dare to defy US dictate except Germany under Merkel, who is adamant that the European Race must be destroyed by bringing in hordes of Wahhabi Lunatics and destroy the fabric of European Society and what's left of European Civilisation and Identity after the CIA funded project, the venal EU, destroyed most of it already!

(See Coudenhove-Kalergi)

Since the entire planet is under the iron grip of this criminal Clique behind the FCCR, Productive Humanity has no one to turn to for Justice and ending their heinous Crimes against Productive Humanity!

The only Option left is Violent Revolution; don't force Humanity to turn to this last resort option to restore some semblance of Justice, Equitability and Sovereignty for Productive Humanity!

► Start Prosecuting the REAL CRIMINALS!

Seeing that these Satanists are in the process of destroying Civilisation, the Economy, and most of all, the Ecosystem of the Planet to massacre the entire Humanity, WHY are SWITZERLAND and other self-styled 'civilized' countries not stopping this demonic Clique?

►Is it their Samson Option to take down Humanity with them, with their 300 illegal Nukes, if they can't rule over the planet?

►Is it their total power over ALL Governments they wield via their control over the issuance of Fiat Confetti Currency Crap and thus being able to buy up Power, Assets, EVERYTHING?

►Or have you all imbibed their Brainwash and can't see the woods for the trees when it is right in front of your eyes?

Clearly YOU, and every other western puppet whore Government, are NOT working for the People which elected you, but for the pitiful Shekels thrown at you and the temporal, temporary, ephemeral Power they so mercifully granted you at their so generous disposal, which they will revoke at the least transgression to their commands; and may 'suicide' you or pull off another False Flag to punish your country like they've done countless times!

It is YOUR choice whether there will be a tomorrow for your Children and Loved Ones; standing by while hand-wringing and letting EVIL happen is more than just complicity; it is Karmic participation and KARMA NEVER sleeps and will ALWAYS have to be redeemed, like with like!

Yes, we know, you all think this is crazy conspiracy nuts, however there are enough scientists, whistleblowers and awake people who all know the facts and want this insanity and these heinous Crimes against Humanity stopped:

The ONLY way to stop them is to take their one and only POWERBASE away; the FIAT CURRENCY CRIME RACKET!

YOU can stop them by exposing their criminality; from Child Sacrificing to the complete and total corruption of the ENTIRE Financial System!

This includes:

► the BIS, the mega Banksters

► all the rigged Markets i.e. LBMA, CME/Comex, etc

► all the Central Banksters, which are in on the Crimes against the Productive People


♦ Crime 5

The global MSM is controlled by the same Clique of Banksters and affiliated Mobsters and disseminates nothing but 24/7 Lies and more Lies:

It is part of the Deep State apparatus along with the CIA, which specifically was created to take the role the US Army hitherto fulfilled, but which was too overt and transparent.

US General Smedley Butler reveals in his book, 'War is a Racket' that he spent all his time making South American countries ’safe’ for WS Banksters and other US Corporations to rape and plunder them.

✘ See full excerpt below


So the CIA was specifically created to assassinate, regime-change and start revolutions, wars, insurrections and insurgencies in a more 'discrete and covert’ fashion!

(See Libya, Syria, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Chile, Honduras, etc, etc, etc)

The CIA runs Operation Mockingbird, where they write articles and force journalists to put their name to it and publish it, or face loss of job or some ’unfortunate accident or suicide’!


The criminal Bankster Clique's CIA is also embedded in every News Organisation and dictates the Lies, Vilifications and Character Assassinations against any leader or country they wish to demonise and invade, destroy and/or assassinate: i.e. global Heroes President Assad of Syria, Gaddafi of Libya, President Putin of Russia, Chavez, Maduro, Duterte, Correa, Rousseff, etc, etc, etc!.

It now has become so insane and deranged that any leader in any country can merely bleat the most inane, most blatant and dumbest Lies and the MSM will simply state it as fact; Trump, May, Macron, Netanyahu, Merkel, Trudeau et al.


(He is fighting the Terrorists sent there, armed, trained, financed, commandeered by Obama, Trump, Brown, Cameron, May, Sarkozy, Hollande, Macron, Merkel, Erdogan, al-Thani, Salman, MBS, Satanyahu: the REAL Mass-Murderers and Terrorists! The trail or EVIDENCE is incontrovertible and would make the ICC's job a Breeze to HANG them all, but the US has implemented BIAs with over a hundred nations, Congress has given the President the ’right’ to invade The Hague to liberate any US citizen arrested for their litany of Crimes against Humanity, and the US is not even a member of the Rome Statute!)

But the global MSM spouts these inane LIES as 'facts': EVERY MSM news outlet is guilty of these crimes against the global Productive Population trying to Lie them into WAR against Iraq, Afghanistan, Russia, Syria, Libya, China, etc, some of the only few SANE, Peaceful and civilized countries left on the planet.

You won't find any Truth in any MSM outlet globally including the most 'esteemed' news organisations: BBC Swiss TV, NZZ, Guardian, Tages Anzeiger, NYT, WaPo, Times, ZDF, Spiegel, Le Monde, etc etc etc.





(Just watching an interview on Swiss TV, which was in English, with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, reveals the same sickening mindset of Brainwash, Vilification, Innuendo and Lies as those by the entire global MSM!)

There are only two News Wholesalers globally:

Reuters and AP, and both are owned by the Rothschild Mob and thus they control the global Narrative.

It is all part of the War-machine Tyranny to Lie the Productive People into endless Wars 4 Profit for themselves; Bankster Clique which owns and controls the entire global MSM!

To get real, truthful and news fit for adults with an IQ multiples above what the western MSM delivers, you have to go to: RT, Press TV, Sputnik, The Duran, Global Research, Sott.net, Dr Paul Craig Roberts, South Front, etc!

One final thought for YOU to ponder: If we let this demonic Cabal continue to Rape, Plunder, Mass-murder and Destroy they certainly will destroy the entire foundation for Life on this Planet and that means the end of ALL Life on this Planet; including YOU!

The Chemtrails (see below) alone are poisoning the very foundation of the Ecosystem, by design and on purpose; to massacre most of Humanity on this Planet while poisoning the Air, Water, Soil and the entire Food-chain: causing Alzheimer Disease, Cancer, etc, etc, etc on an unprecedented level!

Then we have every poison Mon$atan produces and is allowed to force onto Humanity and the Planet’s fragile Ecosystem, from killing off all the essential Bees, poisoning the Environment, causing DNA mutations, infertility and degenerative diseases of every description etc!

Monsanto (et al) is a cornerstone of the Deep State WS Bankster Oligarchy's tools to destroy the Planet and massacre Humanity; they control the FDA, the EPA and everything in between while they can destroy, poison and kill, they can NOT BE SUED; they, that is their puppet Government, gave them complete immunity while THEY sue everybody else who just happens to use one of their toxic GMO seeds which destroyed an Organic Farmer's entire Crop and ruined him financially; so Mon$atan sues them!!!!!!!

Admittedly, for anyone who was brought up on a Diet of Lies, Deceit and Brainwash by the MSM, the entire System, the Lying Government and the dumbed-down Schooling System, this is all too much to digest and accept, but don't take our word for it; RESERCH it all for yourself and WAKE UP, as millions have already done and now want an END to the CRIMES against HUMANITY by the Cabal behind all the Misery, Death & Destruction; supported and enabled by the Fiat Currency Crime Racket which this Demonic Mob owns and controls!

The entire, gigantic leeching Layer of the Financial System is built upon the parasitic notion that you can get Something for NOTHING!

The Financial Centres of WS, the City, Frankfurt, Zurich, Hong Kong, Hedge-Funds, Vulture Funds, have all but one function; the transfer of Wealth produced by the Productive People to the wealthy Parasites making them even richer; but in reality it is worse, much worse; it is built upon Fraud, Crime, Rape and Plunder via rigged markets and every dirty Trick and Crime they can muster; while not one single one of the so called 'Regulators' ever prosecutes these Financial Terrorists!

In fact, the 'Regulators' like the CFTC and SEC protect these Terrorists from being sued by their Trillion Dollar Victims by handing them minute little fines and thus preventing any Victim from going after them, protected under 'Double-Jeopardy' rules; that's how the criminal, stacked System works!!!!!

What kind of World do you want YOUR Kids to live in; if there will even be a World left to live in; by present projections the Satanic Forces ruling the US-UK-Israhell will have destroyed the entire Ecosystem in the next ten years!

Fukushima has taken the Planet by a gigantic leap into the Abyss: (See below for more information)

But this Demonic Mob has many more Satanic schemes working to destroy all life on this planet and only the removal of their only powerbase, the venal FCCR will stop them; up to you what kind of World YOU and YOUR loved ones will find in ten years time; if you're still around and not burnt to crisp in a nuclear Armageddon, planned by the Satanists ruling the Planet!

(see much more below)


Since the Bankster Criminals destroyed all of our Funds to help the Victims of their heinous Crimes against Humanity, the Victims of their criminal Wars against Productive Humanity 4 Profit, and there is no hope in Hell any of them EVER paying any Restitution for their Crimes, or being forced to pay Reparations, our concern is to END the unspeakable Misery, Suffering and Agony perpetrated by the Banksters' Puppet Whores i.e. the parasitic USG of Crimes against Humanity!

The trail of Death, Destruction, Misery and unspeakable Suffering stretches around the Globe and affects BILLIONS of Productive People in countries as far flung as Nicaragua, Honduras, Laos, Vietnam, North Korea, Libya, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan, Central America and countless more; the Bankster Clique's puppet whore of Death & Destruction has wreaked unspeakable Misery upon Humanity and massacred BILLIONS!

And the only way to stop them is to take their only means to print infinite amounts of Confetti Currency away, and with which they can fund their gigantic Military and wage War upon Productive Humanity.

End the Fiat Currency Crime Racket NOW and HANG all the Criminals, Mass-Murderers and Perpetrators of Crimes against Humanity on an unimaginable scale of HORROR!

They should be forced to come and see their 'handiwork': see the Legless, the Maimed, the Butchered, the Orphans, the grieving Mothers, Fathers, the Blinded, the Helpless, the Beggars, the UNSPEAKABLE Death, Destruction, Misery, Suffering and Agony they're wreaking upon Humanity while standing in front of UNGA and lecturing everyone how 'Exceptional', a 'Force for Good', purveyors of Democracy and Shining Light of Freedom they are!

Sick, deranged and pure EVIL is what most awake People label these Ghouls of Death & Destruction:

Obama, Cameron, Sarkozy, Hollande, Trump, Sultan Erdy the Butcher, Sammy Power of R2P-4-Mass-murder in Libya, Mad Rycroft, Deranged Haley, Bush, Clinton, Clinton, Cheney, Trump, Brown, Cameron, May, Sarkozy, Hollande, Macron, al-Thani, bin-Salman, Merkel, and all their Puppet/Pay Masters in AIPAC, CFR, Tel Aviv, WS, the City Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg, WEF (Davos), BIS, Fed, IMF, WB, CBs, Haass, Rubin, Netanyahu, Kagan, Kristol, Rothschild, Rockefeller, QEII, etc etc etc!

It is one GIANT MATRIX of UNSPEAKABLE EVIL, free-riding on their private FCCR, and all have collectively conspired in the Rape, Plunder, Wars, Death & Destruction against Productive Humanity on an unimaginable scale, and there is enough proof to HANG them all a hundred times over!

But the ICC is busy persecuting minions in Africa; what a sick joke!

The System has left Productive Humanity no other options than violent Revolution to bring about a Fair, Just, Equitable and Sovereign Society for Productive Humanity; while total Tyranny is being implemented in front of our Eyes on the back of their False Flag Terrorism perpetrated by the Governments themselves!!!!!!


♦ More Background Information:

The poisoning and wholesale massacre of Humanity is in full progress; Investigate:

► Chem-Trails:

The Satanist Matrix via its Evil puppet, the USG, is spraying poisons into the Atmosphere to genocide Humanity, poison the Planet, our only Home, destroy the ability to grow Food on poisoned Soil and pollute the Air and Water we all need to live!

These Chemtrails contain the following toxins and heavy metals:

Chromium, Cadmium, Barium, Thorium, Nickel, radioactive desiccated Blood, nano Aluminium-coated Fibreglass (CHAFF), yellow fungal Myco-Toxins, Mold Spores, Ethylene Dibromide, and polymer Fibres etc.

Scientists discuss the Chem-Trail Crime against Humanity:






Death & Destruction from below:




►California Fires & 5G

Death & Destruction from above:

Targeted Destruction from outer space orbit with Directed Hitech Energy Weapons:




► Fukushima

If this really is what it appears to be then this would leave little doubt as to who the Demonic Forces are which are destroying the Planet; but then taken everything else into account, from the 'Samson Option' to Chemtrails to all the Wars, Death & Destruction for their cause, nothing is beyond their sick, deranged mindset:






► GMOs, Genetically Modified Organisms

Part of the plan to massacre most of Humanity are the GMOs which are known to be highly toxic, cause Infertility and Birth Defects, destroy the Environment and while Mon$atan can make enormous amounts of Profits in the process while being immune to any Prosecution thanks to their Puppet USG passing Laws protecting them from being sued!

► Forced, compulsory Vaccinations

These Vaccines, which are proven to be ineffective, superfluous, dangerous and toxic are part of the plan to eradicate Humanity for the Oligarchy in Power!

They contain Mercury, Aluminium, Formaldehyde, Antibiotics, Monosodium Glutamate (MSG), Thimerosal and other known toxins!

These highly toxic and dangerous Vaccines have caused millions of Deaths, are causing an Epidemic of Autism, Infertility, ADHD, drastically lowered IQ and a host of Non-Specific Disorders and Diseases!

The eradication of most Diseases is in fact clearly attributable to the drastic improvement of Hygienic conditions during the 20th Century and has absolutely nothing to do with these Vaccines, which they tout as being the source of this achievement.

► Fluoridated and Chlorinated Water and Toothpaste!

Fluoride is known as a highly toxic Substance and its efficacy of preventing Tooth Decay has been proven to be exactly Nil; well not really, in fact it is Negative and causes more harm to the Teeth than it is touted of providing.

While of course Fluoride and Chlorine are known Carcinogens, but again that's part of the Plan by the Oligarchy!

In the US it is now illegal to collect Rainwater on your own property, this is to force everyone onto the highly poisoned Town-Water supply!

People have already been jailed under this Orwellian 'Law' of unspeakable EVIL!

► Fracking

This is the criminal practice of pumping a cocktail of secret poisons into the Ground, polluting the Ground Water and thus ultimately the Soil Humanity grows their Food on.

Oil CEOs are fighting tooth and nail to prevent fracking by competing Oil Companies near their Ranches and Holiday hideouts, which proves that they are deliberately poisoning the Groundwater to eternity!

6► Mon$atan and its Poisons

It is well known that Monsanto and all its products are causing cancer and a host of systemic diseases but the USG/Congress and the FDA are under the control of Mon$atan and are totally immune to any prosecution and are able to force these toxic substances onto the planet by the millions of tonnes.

Glyphosate, Paraquat and Nicotinamides etc, as DDT before, are killing off Bees, essential bacteria, worms, and deaden the entire micro-ecosystem which will leave the soil dead and unable to support the growing of Food Crops to feed Humanity!

Then of course all are poisons to humans as well and the combination of 'Roundup resistant GMOs' and the excessive spraying of this poison on these Mon$atan Food Crops before harvest is designed to poison Humanity and induce every known ailment from infertility to cancer to every other degenerative Disease!

Why is Mon$atan's cafeteria serving Organic Food to its management only?

► Economic Sabotage, the Destruction of the Productive People's means of earning a living!

Then there is the Economic Destruction which is deliberately being wreaked upon Humanity by these Financial Terrorists!

This will have the most devastating effect when they succeed in destroying the entire global Economy and Billions of Productive People will die when the supply chain collapses and there won't be any Food in the Stores.

The ultimate means of Genocide and Crime against Humanity!

► Killer Viruses

The USG is constantly trying out new Viruses which they produce and have Patents for:


All these are NOT haphazard, unrelated events; they are part of a comprehensive orchestrated Plan to eradicate most of Humanity as these criminal Oligarchs have enunciated countless times in guarded and unguarded moments of letting slip their sick Plot!

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts; Washington is Leading the U.S. and its Vassal States to Total Destruction:



Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The Neo-Cons & Israel Trolls leading Humanity to total destruction!


The 'Elite' are always planning for the total enslavement and destruction of the Productive People in so many ways:



Global Media Whores are totally controlled by the CIA, MI6, BND, DGSE et al and spout 24/7 100% Lies all across the globe, i.e. Operation Mockingbird:


Operation Gladio; Government Terrorism ongoing today as witnessed in 1995 Oklahoma, 2001 9/11, 2002 Bali bombing, 2004 Madrid Train Bombing, 2005 7/7 London Underground Bombings, 2015 Charley Hebdo shootings, 2015 Paris Bataclan massacre, 2016 Nice Truck attack, 2016 Berlin Truck attack, London Parliament shooting etc etc etc:



There are no grass-roots terrorists acting on their own; they are all CIA/Mossad/MI6 etc assets either entrapped, goaded, led and prodded into action, or used as patsies in parallel operations, where the real perpetrators are in fact the CIA/Mossad spooks acting for the Oligarchy in Power behind the Government Whores sitting in the WH, #10 DS, DC, Berlin, Elisee etc!

♦ First it needs to be understood how the world REALLY works!

Money is Power and those who have the ability to create Currency out of thin Air have all the Power:

► The power to buy up every Puppet Whore Politician

► own 'Think Tanks' masquerading as independent advisory groups'; AIPAC, CFR, Chatham House, Trilateral Commission, Atlantic Council, and a thousand more!

► thus own every Government, International organisation; i.e. UN, NATO, WTO, IMF, WB, BIS CBs (SNB, Fed, BoE, BuBa, etc)

► to buy up every asset, company, Government

► News Organisation to disseminate 24/7 / 100% Lies

► Control the Narrative, Education, Policy, everything!

► Fund their gigantic Military and wage War against Humanity as witnessed in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Palestine, Afghanistan, Somalia, etc etc etc!

Only the destruction of their only Powerbase, the FCCR, the ability to create Fiat Currency out of thin air, will stop them from annihilating ALL LIFE on this Planet in their PLANNED and PLOTTED Nuclear Armageddon!!!!!!!!

And that includes YOU, your Loved ones, your Family, Kids and Friends!

♦ The real story of Syria:




► The criminal Plot to destroy Syria:



John Kerry’s admission:

In fact Satanist Skull & Bones  John Kerry confirms that the US has been covertly involved in the satanically evil destruction of peaceful, prosperous, secular and progressive Syria perpetrating Crimes against Humanity and Crimes against Peace under the Nuremberg Principles and Statute of Rome:

Kerry on 4 September 2013:


Q: Did Arab countries offer to pay for the intervention in Syria?

Kerry: "With respect to Arab countries offering to bear costs and to assess the answers; profoundly yes, they have! That offer is on the table; Well we don't know what action we're engaged in right now but they've been quite significant, I mean VERY significant, uhhmm in fact some of them have said that if the US is prepared to go do the whole thing the way we’ve done it previously in other places they’ll carry that cost, that’s how dedicated they are in this, obviously that’s not in the cards and nobody is talking about it but they're talking in serious ways about getting this job done."

Total admission that the entire MATRIX of EVIL, mentioned many times, has plotted and executed this MONUMENTAL Crime against Humanity; but No, Zero, Zilch, Rien, Keine Prosecution for all the Criminals sitting in DC, London, Paris, Tel Aviv, Riyadh, Berlin, Ankara et al!

The plot was hatched by the Atlantic Council in a meeting in Ankara, to change Al Qaeda into ISIS to appeal to all the deranged Wahhabi lunatics, trained and nurtured in Saudi funded Madrassas around the globe by giving them the lure of a Caliphate of their own, alas under the control of the axis of infinite evil.

Everything that happens on this planet is controlled by this Axis and their myriad of secret agencies and puppet governments.

(But of course Switzerland is complicit and party to the venal Axis sanctioning Syria, but not the Head-Choppers, Rapists and Sex-slave traders employed the Axis of Evil, Switzerland is deeply embedded in the unspeakable EVIL machinations against countries like Syria, Libya, Novorossiya et al and has no Guts, Gumption nor the Spine to stand up for these 'targeted for destruction countries' by the Axis of infinite Evil!)


► Dr. Paul Craig Roberts:

"The damned neoconservatives have destroyed seven countries, and the bastards and bitches walk around free!

"Their two-bit, dumbshit punk media spokespersons ask, 'What's the good of nuclear weapons if you can't use them?


► Nuclear War, Nuclear Winter, and Human Extinction


► Criminal Bankers Control US Government and Push for War


► The inner workings of the Elite:


► The MSM:


To demonstrate to what lengths the Matrix of unspeakable Evil goes in their venal plots of Deception, Vilification and Lies take the White Helmets as just one example out of many:

The WH are an integral part of the ISIS Terrorists which are entirely a creation of the US-UK-French with the aid of the Turkish, Saudi and Israeli terrorist States.

They are funded to the tune of £100s of Millions by the British Taxpayers and have been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize!

They also received an Oscar for their short videos where they pretend to rescue Syrian Civilians when in fact they are always present when the perverted Wahhabi Head-Choppers and Cruxifiers massacre innocent Syrians and can be seen in many videos appearing after an execution by these US-UK-French employed and paid for Scourges on Humanity!

Of course both the Nobel Prizes and the Oscars are a dissolute PsyOpd to pretend to the sheeples that their rulers are such wonderful human beings and worthy of the highest accolade when in fact they are the most vile, depraved sickening venal subhuman genocidal Garbage!

(Boris Johnson, Cameron, Sarkozy, Natanyahu, Erdogan, Salman, Thani, Obama, Merkel, Hollande, Kerry, Bush, Bush, Hillary & Bill Clinton et al)

What Kerry really did in Vietnam:


So Kerry was given the Tipperary International Peace Award; very befitting after Mass-Murderers:

The criminal bombing of Serbia, Kosovo, the cowardly, criminal bombing a Medicine Factory in Sudan, bombing of Sudan/Afghanistan on the back of a CIA False Flag!

The Clinton Chronicles:


The Clinton Foundation is the biggest personal Money Laundering Crime Racket ever devised: Billions stolen from Haiti, donated to rebuild Haiti but it all disappeared

Pay to play while Hillary was SoS, i.e. billions of bribes taken from KSA etc for favours.

That is to upend the Truth 1800 and blame the US Axis of Evil's own crimes on Syria and Russia!





He oversaw the criminal, venal destruction of Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Honduras etc etc etc. and did absolutely NOTHING!

But then the Nobel Peace Prizes are equally repugnant PsyOps to make the sheeples believe that their Masters are such noble, peace-loving and kindly human beings:

A Litany of Mass-murderers and Terrorist Nobel Peace Laureates:

Obama, Peres, Begin, Rabin, Kissinger, all Mass-Murderers in their own right, the EU which has destroyed countries like Greece, Spain, Ireland, sanctions Syria but not ISIS, is wholly undemocratic, dictatorial and tyrannical!


♦ The BIS

The BIS has a long history of Crimes against Humanity:

The BIS was instrumental and in cahoots with Hitler in the rape of the Czech's 23.1 tonnes of Gold where the very first act, after Hitler’s Army walked into Czechoslovakia, was, at gunpoint of course, to force the Czech Central Bank to order the BIS to transfer their Gold, held at the BoE in London, in their Account with the BIS into Germany's account!

And the BIS without blinking acted on this in spite of it being more than obvious that this was done at gunpoint and under duress!

The reason for the BIS' complicity is that the Wall Street (WS) Banksters lent Hitler a lot of money and they wanted to be assured that he could pay them back; it mattered not where the cash came from; stolen Gold, looted and raped from other countries was just fine for them!

Then the BIS was instrumental in facilitating Hitler's Plot, i.e. Hjalmar Schacht and his co-conspirator Montagu Norman, to rape the occupied European countries of their wealth via the Monetary System!

The BIS accepted looted Gold from the Nazi regime, recognised and dealt with all the puppet regimes the Nazis installed in Europe and thus made it possible for the Nazi regime to even survive and rape these puppet nations!

There are countless other such Crimes against Humanity in between, but today the BIS is involved in the criminal rigging of every market, and in particular the GOLD & SILVER markets.

This is an ongoing 100 year long War against the Productive People's Money; i.e. GOLD & SILVER, by the parasitic Bankster Clique.


Because with real, honest and equitable Money, which ONLY GOLD & SILVER are, the parasitic Banksters can’t print Currency out of thin Air and rent out this Confetti Currency at usurious rental and enslave the Productive People in Debt to themselves; this is known as the Fiat Currency Crime Racket, FCCR!

Naked Shorts dumped by the THOUSANDS of Tonnes to destroy prices of GOLD & SILVER!

In 2011, just when GOLD and SILVER prices finally reached the margin of profitability the Bankster went into overdrive with their smashing and suppression Crime against the Productive People and started dumping thousands of tons of Naked Shorts of Gold and Silver on the Crimex!

Then on the 11th April 2013 the most notorious 15 WS Criminals, known as the Financial Services Forum, descended on the WH to tell their puppet whore, the Nobel Terrorist in Chief, to close both eyes and look the other way since things will get really ugly as they will now intensify their War on the Productive People's Money and go into super-overdrive smashing the Productive People's Money with tens of thousands of tons of Naked Shorts!

And they will at the same time 'Re-capitalise' themselves in the process by the Trillions at the expense of the Productive People they’ll thus rape and plunder while they destroy them by the Trillions!

(Now hold that thought for a moment:

We have a criminal Bankster Cabal who got into trouble and nigh (actual) bankruptcy through Fraud & Crime criminally selling tens of thousands of Tonnes of stolen GOLD, and suppressing Gold with Naked Shorts and raping Productive People, and the way to solve their dilemma is to double down on their Crimes against the Productive People and rape and plunder them with intensified criminality to save them from total bankruptcy and the Noble Terrorist in Chief is party to this Crime heaped upon Crime upon Crime upon Crime while 'recapitalising' themselves at the expense of the their Victims the Productive People!!!!!!!!)

The perversion, criminality and venality of all involved is beyond comprehension; but then that's what the ENTIRE GLOBAL System is based on!

What ensued was the most overt, satanical orgy of price destruction ever perpetrated in plain sight for everyone to see!

Here are just some of the blatant dumps of Naked Shorts on the Crimex:

1 May 2011 Gold 24 m ounces 750 tonnes

6 Sep 2011 Gold 22.5 m ounces 700 tonnes

6 Sep 2011 Silver 230 m ounces 7,200 tonnes

8 Dec 2011 Silver 112 m ounces 3,400 tonnes

29 Feb 2012 Silver 263 m ounces 8,200 tonnes

15 Apr 2013 Gold 14 m ounces 400 tonnes

21 Jul 2015 Gold 2 m ounces 57 tonnes

16 Sep 2016 Gold 2.5 m ounces 70 tonnes

11 Nov 2016 Gold 260 m oz 8,000 tonnes

09 Feb 2017 Gold 0.39m oz 11 tonnes

02 Mar 2017 Silver 150.9m oz 4,695 tonnes

- Etc etc etc and it never stopped since and this depraved, cowardly Crime against the Productive People continues unabated

These are all Naked Shorts dumped to destroy the Productive People, there is no Gold anywhere left; the criminal Bankster Matrix has stolen it all and sold it to China and Russia etc!

Yet the Banksters' Crime Protection Squad, the CFTC/SEC sees and hears nothing - while the Productive People get Raped, Plundered and Destroyed by the Trillions!

The Productive People have nowhere to turn to; the ENTIRE System is criminally rigged against them!

Not the CFTC, SEC, FCA, BaFin, Finma, ICC, UN, or any Court anywhere in any Country; the ENTIRE System is criminally corrupt and in the pocket of the criminal Clique!

Iran is being targeted because under Mossadeqh in 1951, and then in 1979 under the Ayatollah, Iran demanded a fairer and more equitable sharing agreement for its oil and then opted out of the PetroDollar racket which supports this iniquitous parasitic System, benefiting only the WS/City moneyed 0.00000000001% Oligarchy of super Parasites and mega Criminals!

Iran had tens of Billions stolen by the US/Bankster Criminals hiding behind their puppet USG and had iniquitous sanctions forced on them for decades for merely demanding a fair deal and not being raped and plundered like the rest of the third world is by the Bankster Criminals controlling the entire western hemisphere and its fascist, parasitic economy and their warmongering, vile puppet governments.

Iran is a force for PEACE and Stability in the ME and is fighting the US Axis of EVIL's Terrorists massacring across the MENA arena: Libya, Syria, Yemen....

Russia is being targeted because global Hero Vladimir Putin is De-Dollarising to bring about a fairer, more equitable and just global trading system, away from Satan's Currency; the US$, one based on GOLD , which has always been the Productive People's only choice of Money!

Putin is a real world leader, and is being vilified with lies, lies, lies and more lies, all fabricated and disseminated by the Banksters' Think Tanks, puppet Govs and their vile MSM bullhorn Whores they 100% own and control.

► Dr. Paul Craig Roberts:

Western peoples must pour into the streets or Washington will end their lives with nuclear war. All of the evil of the world in concentrated in Washington. Washington is Mordor. The American president regardless of party is Sauron.


► Washington's incessant Lies against the Forces of Liberty and Justice:


Wars 4 Profit and the Warmongers behind the Crimes against Humanity; Pizzagate and the Elites' proclivities:




♦ Conclusion

As is abundantly clear, the world is in the grip of a very evil, demonic and parasitic criminal, almost invisible, Clique which is responsible for the Deaths, Misery, Suffering and Agony of Billions of Productive Humanity!

Their iniquitous Power ensues solely from the simple fact that they were able to take control over the issuance of Fiat Currency and in fact own the System, and thus buy up the entire global System of Governance and Control through bribery, graft, corruption and acquisition by simply printing Currency out of thin Air.

If we want to implement a fairer, more peaceful, equitable and libertarian Society globally, then it must be built upon an equally fair and equitable Economic System.

And this can only be achieved if the Lifeblood flowing through this Economic System is equally fair and equitable and not in the control of any one entity, be it private, sovereign, supranational or even in the control of globally instituted governance bodies; i.e. UN, IMF, BIS, WB, BIS or any other such corrupt, evil Institutions, and which are inevitably beholden to wealthy, powerful individuals, as is the case now!

It must be a Currency which is not manufactured out of thin air, controlled, managed and legislated over by anyone; only Gold and Silver can ever fulfil such noble, righteous and equitable Ideals.

But as stated previously; this global currency, (now we can call it Money!) must be the Precious Metals themselves.

That is to say that the Paper Currency and Cyber Digits in circulation are 100% backed and convertible into the underlying Asset, i.e. Gold & Silver, 100% of the time!

This is not a 'Gold Standard' which ALWAYS has been abandoned to print Fiat Currency to fund their conspired Wars against Productive Humanity for Profit by the parasitic Elite in Power!

Such a System is already in existence and can be run privately by any number of companies and individuals; it should never be in the control of Governments or anyone else, but only audited by private, incorruptible Auditors whose pecuniary interests, reputation and legal responsibility are backing their Audit Reports!

The UN report of 1.3 Billion avoidable Deaths, in the last five decades alone, at the hands of these Deep State Criminals exercising global control, must be a last and final Lament to an Epoch of unspeakable Greed, Criminality, Barbarity and indescribable Suffering and Agony at the hands of a very small Clique of very sick, deranged evil Psychopaths in Power behind the scenes!

► So what is really needed are Nuremberg Trials for these venal shadowy Elites, their Henchmen/Women and the Operatives who enforce all these decisions to go to War, conduct Subversions, Regime-Change, Assassinations, Terrorism, unilateral Sanctions, proxy Wars as in Syria with their AQ/ISIS Mercenaries, Death, Destruction, Misery, Suffering and Agony on an unimaginable Scale; and all with complete impunity and anonymity! (Congress, Parliament, Mossad, CIA, MI6, Knesset et al)

The only alternative is violent Revolution for Productive Humanity to take back their Liberties, Sovereignty and Economic Autonomy, and that won't ever guarantee a positive outcome as all Revolutions have always been Hijacked and financed by the Criminals themselves to guarantee outcomes commensurate with their scheming.

(The Russian 'Revolution' was 100% orchestrated, financed and controlled by the WS Gangsters and Deep State Elites!)

► These Criminals to be tried and hanged can be found here:

CFR, AIPAC, ex PNAC now FPI, Trilateral Commission, Atlantic Council, WS, IMF, BIS, WB, WEF, Committee of 300, Bilderberg Group, Vatican, G30, Pilgrims Society, and a myriad of Secret Societies i.e. Skull & Bones, P2, Masons, etc!

In the wealthy families behind these Institutions; Rothschild, Warburg, Schiff, Soros, Rockefeller etc!

In the European ’Royal Families’ which are all implicated in the most heinous Crimes against Humanity from Child Sacrifice to Warmongering and investing in the War/Arms Industry.
In the governments and retired thereof:
US, UK, Israel, France, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Germany, other NATO countries etc!
And in the Secret Services of all these Countries!

It is a gigantic Matrix of infinite Evil which represents the ’Deep State’ which is intent on tyrannical One World Government with them at the Helm, achieved only over the Corpses of Billions and Wars, Misery, Suffering, Death & Destruction on an unimaginable Scale!

► Hang them ALL, or they’ll only regroup and accrete the same power and wage War against Productive Humanity as they’ve done for millennia!


♦ Footnotes


♦ Smedley Butler:


♦ Mandell House:

"Very soon, every American will be required to register their biological property in a National system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging.

By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will affect our security as a chargeback for our fiat paper currency. Every American will be forced to register or suffer not being able to work and earn a living.

They will be our chattel, and we will hold the security interest over them forever, by operation of the law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions. Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, forever to remain economic slaves through taxation, secured by their pledges.


They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be non the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two would figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability. After all, this is the only logical way to fund government, by floating liens and debt to the registrants in the form of benefits and privileges.


This will inevitably reap to us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every American a contributor or to this fraud which we will call 'Social Insurance.'

Without realizing it, every American will insure us for any loss we may incur and in this manner; every American will unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly. The people will become helpless and without any hope for their redemption and, we will employ the high office of the President of our dummy corporation to foment this plot against America."

Remarks by Edward Mandell House to Woodrow Wilson, taken from the minutes of a meeting in the White House which was attended by President Woodrow Wilson and his top adviser Colonel Edward Mandell House, prior to the Federal Reserve Act or the 16th Amendment (the income tax amendment) were passed and ratified!

"These international bankers and Rockefeller - Standard Oil interests control the majority of the newspapers and the columns in those papers to club into submission or drive out of office officials who refuse to do the bidding of the powerful corrupt cliques which compose the invisible government."

Theodore Roosevelt; 27 March 1922, New York Times,

The Conspirators behind the Federal Reserve who secretly met at Jekyl Island to write the Act granting them the ability to print Currency out of thin Air:


♦ Oscar Calloway

"When certain men can print their own money, and charge interest on that money while bringing the U.S. Federal Government along with them on this miscarriage of justice that we call the Federal Reserve, this is criminal genius if ever there was such a thing.

When certain men can also control the media, propagandizing America for their own financial gain (and surely to hush the news over their Federal Reserve treachery) this is equally impressive, equally evil and equally treasonous to the highest order.

Controlling the money and controlling the media are no less relevant today and no less wicked then it was near the turn of the twentieth century.

With staggering amounts of money and power lying in the hands of only a few, can there be any doubt that political leaders and organizations claiming to do good are doing the bidding of these who seek to enslave us all!

To deny that the bloodlines of men like, John D. Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, along with Paul Warburg and other such banksters are not still controlling and plotting against the masses, as they sit high atop their elitist pyramid, is great naiveté.

Call it the New World Order, call it 'world governance', call it the coming one world government or call it the antichrist system, but it is now upon us and though it has not reached its zenith or come into complete maturity, it certainly is no longer in its infancy.

You won't likely hear about it for some strange reason in the mainstream media, unless of course it is ridiculing those who are aware of its far reaching tentacles as 'conspiracy theorists'.

U.S. Congressional Record February 9, 1917, page 2947

Congressman Oscar Calloway on J.P. Morgan’s purchase of 25 of America's leading newspapers.

♦ McFadden testimony to Congress:

"They have created a super state controlled by international bankers and international industrialists acting together to enslave the world for their own pleasure."

McFadden in testimony to Congress on 10 June 1932

♦ McFadden:

"Mr. Chairman, we have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve banks.

The Federal Reserve Board, a Government Board, has cheated the Government of the United States and the people of the United States out of enough money to pay the national debt. The depredations and the iniquities of the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal reserve banks acting together have cost this country enough money to pay the national debt several times over.

This evil institution has impoverished and ruined the people of the United States; has bankrupted itself, and has practically bankrupted our Government. It has done this through the maladministration of that law by which the Federal Reserve Board, and through the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultures who control it."

♦ McFadden:

"Every effort has been made by the Federal Reserve Board to conceal its power but the truth is the Federal Reserve Board has usurped the government of the United States. It controls everything here and it controls all our foreign relations. It makes and breaks governments at will. No man and no body of men is more entrenched in power than the arrogant credit monopoly which operates the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve banks. These Evil-Doers have robbed this country of more than enough money to pay the national debt. What the Government has permitted the Federal Reserve Board to steal from the people should now be restored to the people."

Rep. Lewis McFadden

How Woodrow Wilson became President:

The Banksters' Puppet-Whore Wilson was installed in the White House by the Zionist Banksters Jacob Schiff, JP Morgan, John D Rockefeller and other Co-Conspirators so that they would have a willing, pliable Puppet which they could easily manipulate into getting their secret plot of a Federal Reserve under their total control passed.

Concurrently they conspired to implement a Federal Income Tax so that the Productive People's hard earned Taxes could flow straight into their pockets, as their plan was always to create a Humanity of Debt Slaves to themselves via Socialism and Government Deficit Spending!

Yes, 'Socialism' is a parasitic Bankster Plot to enslave Humanity in Debt; now modern day Slaves are not in physical chains but in Debt Chains to the parasitic Banksters!

They started the Bull Moose Party in 1912 and manipulated Theodore Roosevelt to once again run for President so that the Republican Vote would be split and their real Candidate, Democrat Wilson, would win against Taft (he won by 42%)!



♦ Roland Dumas


♦ John Kerry

 "With respect to Arab countries offering to bear costs and to assess the answers; profoundly yes, they have! That offer is on the table............!" 
"Well we don’t know what action we’re engaged in right now but they’ve been quite significant, I mean very significant, ahem, in ahum, fact (snide laughter) some of them have said that if the US is prepared to go and do the whole thing, the way we’ve done it previously in other places they’ll carry that cost, that’s how dedicated they are in this, obviously that’s not on the cards and nobody is talking about it but they’re talking in serious ways about getting this job done." 



♦ Comex or Crimex

The ENTIRE global Market Structure is irretrievably corrupt to the core: on the COMEX the Banksters issue massive amounts of Naked Short Futures Contracts to constantly suppress the price, in the full knowledge that they could NEVER ever deliver on these legally binding Contracts.

In the month of December 2017 they were forced to issue some 14,000  EFP (Exchange for Physical) Contracts daily, which transfers their obligation to deliver physical Gold on the New York COMEX to the London LBMA; that’s close to 1,000 tons of Gold for which they issued fraudulent, un-backed Contracts in one month alone!
But there is ZERO action from any ’Regulator’: they are all part of the Crimes against Productive Humanity!

Eddie George of the BoE:

" We looked into the abyss if the gold price rose further. A further rise would have taken down one or several trading houses, which might have taken down all the rest in their wake. Therefore, at any price, at any cost, the central banks had to quell the gold price, manage it. It was very difficult to get the gold price under control but we have now succeeded. The US Fed was very active in getting the gold price down. So was the U.K."