Quo Vadis 4 Humanity

For what Reasons was WW2 fought and who instigated this Atrocity

World War 2 makes for an interesting Case Study as to why Wars are fought at all and Cui Bono!
This applies to all wars, and as we shall see, it is even admitted and boasted about by the Main Actors behind the scene, if they think no one is paying close attention!

A look behind the facade of all the Propaganda, Lies and Deceptions reveals a very different picture of motivations, modus operandi, intrigues and machinations which led to all the  Wars, Misery, Suffering, Death & Destruction than what we've been led to believe!

It is all conducted by a Cabal of Banksters, Secret Societies, Think Tanks, Zionists and their Politician Whores, which, thanks to their control over the deliberately created, artificial Financial System, have the ability to print almost infinite amounts of Fiat Currency out of thin Air, and thus have accrued infinite Wealth and Power over the entire global Economy, Media, Institutions, Education, and of course all Governments!

Must Watch! Who was behind the 'Spanish Flu'? ■ It also cogently demonstrates WHO has the power, means and motivation to pull off the current global GENOCIDE against Humanity!

In their own Words:

Go to Chapter:

◆ Winston Churchill

◆ Politicians & Commentators

◆ Allied War Crimes

◆ Polish Crimes & Warmongering

◆ Zionists & other Plotters

◆ Freemasons, CFR, Secret Societies

◆ Who was behind WW1

 ◆ Winston Churchill

◆  Politicians, Diplomats & Commentators

◆  Allied War Crimes

◆  Polish Warmongering & Crimes against Humanity

◆  Zionists and other Plotters for WWII

  ◆ Free Masons, Secret Societies, CFR

■ And who was behind WW1!

The WW1 Conspiracy!
See documentary right:
It is clear that Rhodes along with Milner and Stead acted on Rothschild's behalf in scheming for WW1 which massacred some 22 million and wounded many more along with all the destruction, misery and suffering!

♦ More important reading:

✘ How Cecil Rhodes Fathered the Modern Globalist Movement
✘ Rhodes Scholars Are Not What You Thought They Were

Rhodes et al put in place the global Power Structure which now exerts an unassailable grip on all of productive humanity.
This has enabled them to implement this current global GENOCIDE against Humanity with the complicity of huge numbers of their co-opted Apparatchiks;
Politicians, Media, Academia, Think Tanks, the entire global power structure from the UN, WHO, EU, NATO to the financial system BIS, IMF, WB, WS, CBs etc.

The modus operandi is always the same; money, sex, blackmail, power, brainwashing i.e. relentless programming and herd conformity!